WordPress Compliance Reviews

Reviews of your website, plugins, themes, and more.

Client Side Website Review

A thorough, client-focused audit designed to ensure your website and its pages are in strict alignment with HIPAA regulations. Over the course of 7 business days (with most reviews completed in 2-3), our expert team meticulously examines every client-facing aspect of your site, identifying any potential areas of non-compliance that could result in breaches and fines.
The result? A comprehensive PDF report detailing our findings. This document includes an overview of our review process, clear indications of passed and failed areas, and actionable suggestions for remediation to help you close any gaps in your compliance. This one-time service offers peace of mind for web agency owners, healthcare providers, doctors, and practitioners, knowing they are meeting their HIPAA obligations.
Please note, a fresh review is recommended post-remediation to ensure all recommendations have been effectively implemented and your website maintains its compliance. Protect your clients, reputation, and peace of mind with our HIPAA Compliance Review service.

WordPress Plugin/Theme Code Review

Discover our in-depth WordPress Theme and Plugin Code Review service – a rigorous, focused audit built to secure your WordPress backend from HIPAA compliance breaches. Our expert team delves into your plugin or theme codebase, identifying potential risks, such as unauthorized data transmission to third parties and other potential vulnerabilities against HIPAA regulations.
Given the complexity of WordPress themes and plugins, the process typically completes within a 14-day timeframe, depending on the size of your codebase. What do you get at the end? A detailed PDF report highlighting our discoveries, potential risks, and our expert recommendations for remediation. This may include suggesting alternative plugins to enhance your compliance where necessary.
This service is tailor-made for web design agencies and other healthcare stakeholders operating in the digital space, guaranteeing the integrity of your backend code against HIPAA violations. Take proactive control over your website's compliance with our WordPress Theme and Plugin Code Review service.
Please note that any necessary follow-up after remediation would require a new purchase of the audit service, to ensure the thorough and continuous integrity of your compliance efforts.